November 11, 2018

First Time Mother, Loving and Conquering

by. Ana Lucia Suro - Psychologist

I share my experience for those first time mothers, like me, who are facing their day-to-day with upset hormones and acumulated tiredness

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Becoming a mother has been a wonderful experience, but it has also been a great challenge. I will share my experience because I believe that there are other first time mothers like me, who feel lonely, maybe because, like me, they live far from their families, and face day-to-day upset hormones and growing fatigue. Luckily, I could count on Neural Stimulation (NS) to live motherhood with a positive attitude, even in hard times.

My daughter is now one and a half years old, and as for giving birth everything went fine. They were nonetheless 20 hours of labour, but I was all ready: I prepared myself with a meditation and the whole time I treated myself for pain. My great challenge, however, was about to start. Postpartum hormonal fluctuations reduced me to tears without knowing why; I felt a tiredness that I could not have imagined; the baby, who knows no clocks nor times, disrupted and keeps on disrupting my sleep over and over again. When my husband returned to his work and my mother went back to Mexico, I was left alone, and I would only ask myself: How am I going to do this?

Ana kissing her newborn

One of the hardest things has been to work on my emotions, as when I am not emotionally stable, my baby is also not okay, neither does she want to be away from me for a second. It is said that our babies are mirrors of ourselves and my daughter perfectly reflects my feelings. Meditation has helped me be conscious of my emotions without judging myself for those emotions and Neural Stimulation treatments have helped me release them. Meditation and NS have helped me to develop my intuition and understand my baby’s language to better see to her needs. To adapt to the unaccelerated rhythm my daughter lives at, and be patient. This is how, from the depths of my being, an indescribable love has flowered that I did not know before, a mother’s love.

Ana with her newborn and a huge smile

My daughter is starting to turn into a little girl and does not depend so much on me, she goes to a nursery and I have a little bit more time for myself and my work projects. This phase also brings with it new challenges, because now that she is in contact with other children, viruses are all around her. I cannot stop her from catching some of them, the same way I cannot stop her pain each time a new tooth comes out. It is in these moments that I have applied the treatments to my daughter: be it for fever, a cough, diarrhea, when she suffered convulsions and we had to take her to the emergency, when she fell and hit her head…

Knowing that I have in my hands the ability to help relieve my daughter’s pain is priceless and being able to live maternity as a process of growth drives a change in my attitude that makes a big difference when times are hard and it frees me to be able to fully take in the beautiful moments next to my daughter.

Ana's daughter - a toddler

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