September 11, 2019

New Meaning to my Life

by. Claudia

In 1999 I received my first treatment called Balance of the Nervous System, I had a very special feeling ...

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In 1999 I received my first treatment called Balance of the Nervous System, I had a very special feeling of well being afterwards.

In those days I was a young woman of structured ideas and very committed to the education that my parents taught me, of good values, but life is much more than I thought, and I lived as if in a fairy tale.

Getting to know Manos Sin Fronteras opened up my mind to life.

In 2006, I had a health problem, identical to a situation my mother lived; for her it was complete suffering, until she lost her life to cancer.

Needless to say, being in the same situation, worried me a lot; surgery was necessary, I made the decision to have it done as soon as possible. At that time my sister was close to me and helped me with the Neural Stimulation treatments, before and after surgery.

Under the effects of anaesthesia, I thought a lot about the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe and I said numbers; unconsciously there it was, faith and intuition about what I needed for my recovery, the Neural Stimulation treatments and I had not taken the courses yet.

The next day the doctor came and explained to me how difficult the surgery was, that he didn't think it was that bad. There had been heavy bleeding and it was necessary to remove another organ; my glucose levels had risen and I would be under observation in order to be able to rule out that I was diabetic and that in two weeks I would receive the results of pathology to rule out a possible cancer.

Doctors in operating room

What was happening was hard to assimilate, because I considered myself strong and healthy, I had a life project that would no longer be the same, at that time I did not understand life or the situation that was happening to me.

One dusk I saw the power of the sun shining through my bedroom in the hospital. I remembered that there was a special course of Manos Sin Fronteras, in Palenque, Mexico and through my thoughts I had a connection. That strong light gave me the strength to get out of bed; still discouraged, I began to improve little by little. The next day I took a shower, put on my makeup, dressed in nice pyjamas and started walking. When the doctor saw me he was surprised, he told me that I was not diabetic, that my insulin levels were normal; fifteen days later the results of Pathology came out and a possible cancer was ruled out.

sun shining through window

So I took the courses, made up the lost years, took the course of Neural Stimulation, the Superior courses, the Chakra 6 and then my first special course.

The teaching of “La Enseñanza” helped me to regain my dignity as a person, my self-esteem, my brain and my legs to move forward. It has given me great moments that have nourished my spirit and today I feel part of a great family. The most important thing was that it helped me to increase and strengthen my faith.

Thank God for having put Manos Sin Fronteras on my path; I keep the value of my education, with my eyes open and breaking the paradigms that have stopped me from conquering a better life.

"My infinite thanks to La Jardinera for all the benefits that this teaching has given me and for her work and kindness, in sharing her wisdom with Humanity".


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