November 20, 2019

Let's Talk About Violence

by. Laura Eid

Violence is nothing more than insecurities and fears translated into multiple forms, whether physical, sexual or psychological...

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Violence is nothing more than insecurities and fears translated into multiple forms, whether physical, sexual or psychological. All humans have resorted or resort to violence in many circumstances, whether it be hitting someone or shouting at them, but this is not the only kind of violence that exists on our planet.

Violence is also wildfires, violence is the malnutrition of children, violence is pollution, just as it is an insult or as silence can be. Patriarchy, thinking that one person owns the other, discrimination and murder are all types of violence.

The truth is that we talk so much about violence, we study it, we make theories about it, we revolve around violence and it turns out that few of us know how to notice and take action when we are harmed. We are constantly in toxic and hostile environments and every day we take risks. It happens when you least expect it and many times we even go into denial in order to avoid confronting the situation. Sometimes it is fear that paralyses us, or the shame of what people might say, or even loving the other person so much that you don't believe they are capable of harming you.

closed fist and scared girl in background

A couple of years ago I had a violent experience that taught me that I am the sole architect of my destiny, not a man, not society, not what people think of me. Also that there are things that just happen and we don't have control over. It's not something that you change overnight and you begin to raise your voice. Start by seeing it, accepting it, understanding that you don't deserve to be treated like this. Self-worth is the key and understanding that no one has the right to hurt you.

What matters is not what happens to us, but how we react to it, that reaction defines us. We can become victims and believe that the world is to blame for everything that happens to us, live with resentment, fear, anger. Or we can take control of our lives, be responsible and change our behavior in favor of our dreams and goals. For me it was opening my eyes, accepting and moving forward.

MSF poster for no more violence against women

Resilience is fundamental to heal those emotional and psychological wounds. Taking Neural Stimulation courses and especially chakra 6 has been crucial in my life and in my way of experiencing the world. I have developed my skills in an incredible way, I have a clearer and broader picture because meditation gives me inner peace and Neural Stimulation gives me physical well-being.

Now I see that the violence is there, I am aware that it is outside, it is the result of collective stress. Violence is not inside people, it is learned and can be unlearned, starting for example by calling a friend while in traffic instead of honking and screaming. Now I have these great tools to decide every day to be the protagonist of my life and act with love, conscience and empathy.

MSF meditation event against violence

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