April 29, 2020

Trusting The Universe, Meditating, Sharing

by. Miriam Jiménez

I have always given "a lot of work to the Universe" because since I was a child I have asked it to enlighten me...

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My favourite phrase, I read it when I was still a child, in the book The Alchemist: "When you desire something with all your heart, the Universe conspires to achieve it". Phrase with which I have always felt identified and in which I believe, because throughout this life I have trusted small and large things and asked the Universe for help and it has always fulfilled me. From passing exams without having studied anything, protecting myself from serious accidents caused by my "outbursts of those years".

You may wonder why I titled this humble opinion with three aspects that seem so distant from each other and unrelated, but in reality they are related


As I said, I have always given "a lot of work to the Universe" because since I was a child I have asked it to enlighten me, as well as I have constantly asked for protection for my loved ones and me, etc. (I think that sometimes if it must to say: "here Miriam, sit down for a few seconds and wait your turn, I have many who need seeing to") but I continue to trust and ask...

Like everyone else, I have also had dark moments in this life, in which I have also offended it; and therefore I have provoked hard battles to understand that I did not make the best decision, however, the Universe has always been illuminating me, after having passed those difficult battles or irresponsibilities.

I'm an Aries, I love horses, and out of impulsiveness I've had some accidents (well before I became a mother, because after this stage, everything really changes, but that's another matter); then here comes the relationship between the first words of the title; because I've always known that I have a lot of protection from the Universe (maybe that's why I was so impulsive before) but actually we also need to be in balance in order to move forward and not stumble too much.

I started to achieve my balance with meditation, specifically exercise 3-5-3. It was only after meditating continuously that my life gradually became clearer and more peaceful.

lady meditating in nature

Since my first balance of the nervous system was done, "tool plus of the Neural Stimulation technique", I said to myself: "I will asked my friend Liz to do it often, I feel very good" but, oh surprise, she could only do it once a week. So I said to myself, I'll ask her to do it every week.

After feeling that sensation of being complete, I wanted to take the courses here in Leon, to take them and to be able to make the treatments to me and to make them to all those that will surround to me; because the more I felt better the more my heart wanted to share and share more...

Miriam in a Course

At the end, it is in these moments where I can combine these three actions and once again prove that the Universe loves me too much and I am infinitely grateful to be here and now putting my little grain of sand and enjoying it so much.

Candle light with a heart in its flame

Thank you, thank you, thank you to La Jardinera, to the whole team of MSF International!

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