May 27, 2020

Corporate Welfare Post Covid 19

by. Patrizia Amadei

For some time now we have been talking about corporate welfare and positive organization sand this issue has become a top priority now.

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"Action from principle, the perception and the performance of right, changes things and relations" (Henry David Thoreau). This principle is extended and can be applied to companies.

For some time now we have been talking about corporate welfare and positive organization sand this issue has become a top priority now.

Most people will come out of this "lockdown" with anxiety, with fear and this will have a negative impact. Making relationships between colleagues difficult, furthering the impact on productivity and quality of work. Considering companies are already strongly affected, they will face this reality immediately as soon as everyone returns to the workplace.

We know that employees give the best of themselves when they are well and have a clear mind when they work, driving only positive stress. All companies, from large to small, will have to take this into account if they want to achieve a positive turnover trend again by focusing totally on their "core business".


When it comes to corporate welfare and positive organizations, the proposal of the Scientific Technique: Neural Stimulation proposed by Manos Sin Fronteras fits perfectly. As a prevention and protection, with regards to post virus emergency safety, but not only this.

It is an integrative bio-natural discipline that acts through the nervous system of a person and that brings the body’s systems back into balance. It quickly regenerates areas where problems arise, such as the nervous system, with the stress, anxiety and fear of this period. Aso tired eyesight from the hours spent in front of screens. It will help concentration and attention and, most importantly, strengthen the immune system and make us all in all faster and more alert.

Nervous System

There are thousands of people in the world who practice it and we have no reports of any cases of contagion from people who have correctly applied the methodology of prevention regardless of age and occupation. This is an extremely important result.

"Eu Medito" is part of the methodology, training for mental control to be done daily. The staff learn how to breathe correctly and to empty the mind from thoughts. It is 5 minutes a day that increases creativity and management of emotions by making them more alert, with more attention and concentration, while improving the quality of sleep. Meditation lowers stress levels, automatically increasing immune defences, making you more stable in the face of unexpected or dangerous situations. It is a form of meditation that meets the favor of even the most rational people, simple and effective.

An innovative and appropriate solution for the era we are living in and for the future.

We are in the time of corporate welfare, it is the right time to take advantage of its advantages.

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