December 23, 2020

The Rainbow

by. Maria Rita Toschi

When a rainbow opens in front of us, in the face of so much wonder, we look astonished at the light that is refracted into the thousand colors of the iris. The heart opens, for a moment we become children again and relive the stories of our grandparents...

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When a rainbow opens in front of us, in the face of so much wonder, we look astonished at the light that is refracted into the thousand colors of the iris. The heart opens, for a moment we become children again and relive the stories of our grandparents, when they told us that the Angels were painting the sky with their wings to create a bridge of light with the earth and bring joy and harmony to men. On stormy days, when thunder and lightning break the sky and black clouds fill the horizon, grandparents used to say that the devil crossed the skies on his chariot and the rumble of galloping hooves was such as to make the earth tremble and fill men's hearts with fear.

So in their wisdom, with simple words, the grandparents had opened our eyes wide to the wedding between heaven and earth, on the duality of the manifestation, on the succession of darkness and light, the interspersing between joy and pain, harmony and chaos, love and fear, but above all they had revealed to us how there were universal and immutable laws that govern creation and that man at the center of it, without being its master or arbiter, is nevertheless capable in its most spiritual manifestation of reuniting opposites and rediscovering its own authentic dimension. If he had embarked on the journey through the rainbow, the bridge of light, the angels would have made his step lighter by walking alongside him. There is the magnificent prayer of an Anonymous who writes: "Lord, you promised me that you would always be by my side and that you would be with me every moment of my life, but there are days when only two footprints are seen on the sand and these are the days when my life has been the most difficult and painful. Why did you leave me alone? " “My son” - replies the Lord - “these are the days in which I carried you in my arms”.

The ancient Celts and their priests, the Druids, considered the forests sacred within them villages were built, protected by trees. Forests are not only the lungs of the earth but are a single large living organism made up of an infinite number of individuals who create an energy exchange through the dense network of roots. They talk to each other, exchange information, always aimed at protecting and improving the quality of life of that one big family. It is the great lesson that Mother Nature offers us and that we have not been able to grasp.

Light filters through the branches and makes a life blossom that would be impossible in direct sunlight. A wonderful balance between light and shade, wet and dry, hot and cold. In autumn, everything seems to die and the rains accelerate the rotting process. The nights are getting longer and the frost advances. Man too feels the need to turn in on himself, for greater interiority and meditation: in the dark in search of light. There is the proverb “Saint Lucia the longest night there is”. The period of the Feste della Luce begins precisely from Saint Lucia. With the winter solstice, the victory of light over the night is celebrated: Sol Invictus. The Sun never defeated. We are preparing for the great festival of light, for rebirth: Christmas. It is the renewal. Even if there is frost, the days get longer in anticipation of spring when the new life will reappear purified of all dross. Deep transformation process that we must learn to operate also within ourselves. Alchemy teaches that all the negative must be transformed into a positive. It is in the depths of the darkness that we find the germ of the spark that leads us to the light.


The Light is also within us, Divine Seed that comes to us from the Cosmos. From God. Which makes us unique, unrepeatable beings with a great responsibility. Remind us where we come from, who we are and why we are here now. This is a realization to be accomplished. Of a mission to carry out. Alone we could never succeed. It takes determination, perseverance but above all faith. Faith is love: faith in life. We often doubt and fall into an abyss of pessimism: it is the quagmire of quicksand ready to swallow us up in a black and hopeless sea. It means dying inside. The thicker matter takes possession of us and prevents us from looking beyond, from seeing the light.

In reality, Life never abandons us. Even in the darkest and most impossible moments, there is always something that can give relief and make us feel less alone. Our rationalism creates a barrier, we are no longer used to looking at the sun or a magnificent starry sky, considering it a gift from the Universe and enjoying it. Enjoy a new day as an opportunity not to be missed. How much wonder there is around us! How unhappy we make ourselves for things we do not need.

For the Celts, the oak is a symbol of strength and longevity, it represents the axis of the world, the center around which everything revolves. The earth and all the planets rotate

around its axis and all together rotate harmoniously around the sun which is the center of the solar system which in turn rotates harmoniously around the center of its galaxy. Everything is a single being, vibrant with life governed by the immutable law of love and harmony.

Man has his own axis in his spine, it is the center from which the thread that connects man to the earth and the cosmos starts. If we have seen the film Avatar, we can more easily understand the intertwining of energy threads that connect man to man, being to be, in a single One where the macrocosm and microcosm are manifested through the vibration and rhythm of a harmonious proportion.

The vertebral column is the first to develop after conception, it contains the spinal cord and the whole nervous system starts from the cerebro-spinal system. The organs of the human body correspond to it in its various parts, cervical, dorsal, lumbar and sacral vertebrae. The threads that depart from this energy center are connected to the zodiac and the planets, giving rise to a close dialogue and an indissoluble bond between man and the cosmos.

Those who have had the honor of meeting Enseñanza know its value and power, it is a very simple but conscious gesture: we place our hand on one of the 6 centers located on the head and on the spine that this Teaching shows us, we make ourselves available to let the wonderful energy full of love and harmony that surrounds us pass through us. We accompany the gesture with a positive thought, of peace and balance. Immediately for us everything changes. An impulse has arrived. Energy circulates, cleans, restores balance, restores. The connection takes place. Immediately there is a sense of peace. We feel light and almost lifted upwards. Our axis is reactivated. We feel it alive and vibrant. 5 minutes is enough. Incredible in its simplicity!


Through Enseñanza we have chosen to walk the bridge towards the light, the Rainbow that the Angels painted with wings. A short meditation, 5 minutes, the mind is clearer, the connection happens. Peace in our hearts, in the hearts of men. On earth. For all living beings, visible and invisible, fairies, elves, sylphs, gnomes, the solar system. Only beauty and harmony. When we happen to touch a person's hand or look at his eyes, we try to think that his magnetic field can grasp the invitation to share the banquet of harmony and peace that the Universe is offering him.

Who are we, where do we come from and what meaning should we give to our existence? This question has arisen for every man at least once in his life. How many are really looking for an answer? Of course it is easier to let yourself live and think that everything is due to chance. But life, then, becomes truly incomprehensible, meaningless.

What we are experiencing is the moment of great chaos, the din of the chariot and the galloping hooves that cross the skies is deafening. Many peoples are affected by war, famine, the pandemic but above all by intolerance and the darkness of ignorance. Man's heart is full of fear and leaves room for the abyss. Man has forgotten himself, his authentic nature, his belonging to the cosmos. We need to re-establish balance, find the axis, the center. The Angels continue to paint the sky with the rainbow, to offer us the harmony and beauty of perfection.

I will never be able to fully say what Enseñanza is, it is too deep, it reaches heights that can only be understood with an open heart and that have nothing to do with reason but have a lot to do with love. Certainly it is the center of the axis that we must rediscover, towards which humanity tends to fulfill its mission. We can understand what Enseñanza is by abandoning ourselves to admiration for Mother Earth, for the Starry sky, trying to grasp its vibration and accepting the veil of mystery that the human mind cannot completely remove. We must abandon ourselves with faith to this love that we see everywhere. In the new bud of spring, in the gaze of those who pass by by chance and we see a bit of bewilderment and fatigue in their eyes.

One certainty remains for me, with Enseñanza none of us are alone, the network of wires that connects us to each other is solid and effective. More and more solidly connected to the Universe. With Enseñanza we are able to grasp the scent of flowers, a gift that descends into our soul and for which we thank Mother Earth. With Enseñanza the sparkle of the stars becomes a mantle that enchants and protects us: Stella Maris, Stella Mattutina. Great Lady of the immense spaces, of heaven and earth, how great is your love. Everything is vibration, little by little Enseñanza helps us to purify and raise our vibration to be ever closer to heaven, to the Mother.

With constancy and faith, through the treatments, we increase our immunological defenses and, above all, we make our vibratory field brighter and lighter. We continue to close circles, to free ourselves from the dross, from the burdens. Sharing with others what we have been given means giving meaning to our life, fulfilling our mission: we cannot have all the wealth that has been offered to us just for ourselves. There is nothing that gives so much joy as sharing love, giving others the possibility of finding hope, of smiling, of being enchanted by the beauty of a rainbow and of believing with all our soul that the Angels are drawing the sky offering us a bridge of light. The Gardener brought the Teaching to earth.

Thank you Gardener for so much love.

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