May 26, 2021

Free from prejudice

by. Miriam Mendolesi

We must have an open mind, free of prejudices and follow our intuition, premature judgements can destroy a person. There is no way of knowing the Soul of the person we have met, their greatness; we can guess, but we won't know.

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We must have an open mind, free of prejudices and follow our intuition, premature judgements can destroy a person. There is no way of knowing the Soul of the person we have met, their greatness; we can guess, but we won't know.

Society presents us and imposes models, it wants us all to be identical, it cultivates our fear of the unknown, it invites us to reject what is "out of the conventional."

But it is the differences that enrich life and creativity, and it’s diverse thinking that makes us discover and move forward in our life, these are also the things that propel our society and make it move forward.

We are always, constantly learning. When we find someone, we cannot know what they have experienced, their problems and their efforts. There are metamorphic minerals that under very high temperatures and pressures change their crystalline structure, transforming into a completely different mineral. If a stone does it, why wouldn’t we? who are constantly learning day after day.

Judging without giving someone a hand, offending a person "for free" only serves to hurt them. None of us can judge others - whoever is free from sin cast the first stone -


If we want to help, criticism has to be constructive.

Whoever is rigid and habitually lives his life judging others, with no intention to help, is an unhappy person, who instead of working to make a change in their life and help others, wastes his time.

I have lived the feeling of being different, my family saw me as a very strange person and I could not always participate in public family activities. Why? In my childhood and adolescence I have always been told that I was "strange", my father called me "the oriental one" because no one understood my interest in stones, meditation and energy. My family does not believe in anything beyond, they believe that with death everything stops and there is nothing else; and indeed they did not understand how I was. And me being "my mother's daughter" could only be weird and I was always wrong, like her.

My family is very rigid and also "classist" - you are not intellectual, you have no culture, where you were born, what is your family of origin-. I have suffered a lot because of this and have grown to be very rigid, always thinking that I had to prove something to others.

Until I began to understand that we can have different opinions, that it is not important what others think, what’s important is to follow what you feel is just and continue my path and each one of us has a different path.

I think that sometimes a person with jealousy and envy, and who forgets their Soul, giving power only to matter, continually diminishes others just to try to convince themselves that they have value. If we understand that the body is only the vehicle and that we are all here learning and following our path, we live happier, we can help others and take a step forward towards fulfilling our Mission.


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