August 18, 2021

To love nature

by. Cris Gonzalez

Taking care of nature is, without a doubt, to have the opportunity to feel fullness and well-being, it makes us feel that we are all one and that everything is us.

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Taking care of nature is, without a doubt, to have the opportunity to feel fullness and well-being, it makes us feel that we are all one and that everything is us.

Nature allows us to connect with our senses, our sight is delighted by a flower’s beauty, we smell their perfumes, we can feel their textures, and the sounds of their movements fill our hearts with calm.

It is enough to stop to take a breath, to walk barefoot on the grass, or close our eyes, to feel the connection with that energy that brings us closer to the universe. It all makes us feel how fragile we are in the face of nature, and that it deserves respect, admiration, and much love.

Nature, our best teacher, gives us great lessons in humility. If we place a plant in a room we always see that it grows towards the light, if we take care of them they thank us with their fruits and flowers.

Nature is a magical world, is it possible not to feel joy from nature? If it gives us life, without it there is no oxygen, there is no life.


I remember that as a child I helped my grandmother in the cultivation of vegetables, she produced them, and it was very nice to see the size and color when they were taken from the earth, it generated a lot of joy and more to enjoy their flavor.

In her garden there were many flowers, and one especially with a scent that could be enjoyed from a distance, a Jasmine. I still keep that aroma in my memory, hence the name of my daughter, Jasmine.

About 9 years ago, life gave me the gift of joining the organization Manos Sin Fronteras (Hands Without Borders) as a volunteer, where I found the tools that allow me to understand the reason for my love and connection with nature.

In Manos Sin Fronteras, I have learned to meditate, and to use my hands, after having received the NEURAL STIMULATION courses, and other special courses, which have transformed my life.

Now I find more reasons to love and experience with my hands the love of nature, which I had not felt or lived before.

I have learned to be less selfish, and to strive to be like plants are, who give without expecting anything in return.

It is good to stop and think, how much we have loved and how much we have learned.

Loving Nature brings us closer to God, and I always remember a phrase from the founder of Manos Sin Fronteras whom we affectionately call Gardener:

"In simplicity lie the greatest things"

take care of

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