October 13, 2021

The words we use

by. Emma Figueroa

There are words that we use very freely in society, in our day to day, without being aware of the weight they carry and the effect they have.

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There are words that we use very freely in society, in our day to day, without being aware of the weight they carry and the effect they have.


It is a word that we must stop saying. Sometimes we say: - “I hate that person because he did this to me”, and just as we use the word with others, then we also say to ourselves: - “I hate myself for something”. We do not realize that everything we do has a vibration and this word is charged and has an effect on those around us and on ourselves.

The solution is to first stop using these words, first we eliminate them from our vocabulary, by not using these words they will stop reaching our mind and we will have found the key to eliminate that feeling from our life.

In this way we have the key to leave this and other negative feelings behind. A way to live lighter, being kinder to others and to ourselves, and thus obtaining a better quality of life, a happier life.


Our founder, La Jardinera sends us 1 or 2 minute audios, she calls them Rincón de La Felicidad, and they truly are https://www.youtube.com/c/LaJardinera. Short audios with very deep messages that precisely help us to be happier.

And as La Jardinera says: the past is over. If hatred or other negative feelings have been part of our life, we can learn, erase them from our mind, from our lives and be free.

The key to Satisfaction and Happiness is to fix the mind on the present and forget about the guilt.


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