December 04, 2021

Abusive Relationships

by. Maria Josee

An abusive relationship is like nicotine addicted to suffering we keep it secret

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An abusive relationship

is like nicotine

Addicted to suffering

We keep it a secret

Physical, sexual or emotional abuse

In our mind, an original love

Looking for ways and a thousand excuses

All for not pointing fingers at the abuser

This story doesn't start as a nightmare

You don't fall in love with the one who humiliates you

But the guy who takes you out to dance

Where a kiss gives you wings to fly

With that image he tried to sell you

A man who was going to love you

You let yourself be carried away by the desire to love

And you don't see he began to change

While everything you see is looking rosy

There' s no one to show you anything else

For ever since you were a little girl you've had this fantasy

Of living with your partner always in harmony

The fairy tale begins to fade

Jealousy grows, he wants to possess you

He tells you that he only wants time with you

And isolation becomes your worst enemy

Little by little he lowers your self-esteem

Blaming you for everything, day after day

He compares you to ex-partners and other women

To make you question the person you are

Fear comes to take a hold of you

You end up saying yes to everything

just because you don't want to hurt him

feeling that without him you couldn't live

you forget who you were, you depend on him

you think you're cheating on him if you're faithful to yourself

if it was him who chose you

how can you say no to him

and what was emotional abuse

that poisons your mind and leaves you feeling terrible

between rage and visceral

it becomes physical and sexual abuse

Sex becomes an obligation

Where once there was raw passion

If in intimacy you should fail him

He warns you that he will surely replace you

He does what he wants without consideration

Even if it's your partner it's still rape

being illegal it's widely tolerated

For it's your obligation since you are his beloved

All respect is lost

And you become an object

Someone to take out on

Aggressions that he usually carries

Between screams and insults

Punches, kicks and fists

Your fault, it will always be

I promise, I won't do it again

Many times drugs and alcohol

Will make things escalate, he loses control

And he'll always use it as an excuse

And without consequence he'll hurt you

If any of this sounds familiar

Find someone you can talk to

Abuse in a relationship is more common than it sounds.

And it's not something a brave woman like you deserves.

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