January 19, 2022


by. Romeu Huczok

What is spirituality? It does not mean being always in church or repeating prayers, it is not frequenting spiritism or speaking with spirits...

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Manos Sin Fronteras (Hands Without Borders) is an NGO that helps people improve their physical and emotional well-being using Meditation and Neural Stimulation.

On this path I have learned to better manage my life, to grow with each event and to discover what Spirituality is.

What is spirituality? It does not mean being always in church or repeating prayers, it is not frequenting spiritism or speaking with spirits. It is not collecting crystals or burning incense, or reading many books about spirituality, without practicing.

What La Jardinera, founder of MSF, has taught us is that Spirituality means helping and caring for people, but also for animals, plants, water, Nature, the planet.

That is, put selfishness aside. It is to broaden and increase our consciousness much further, it is to seek meaning for life, it is to question everything, it is to respect all religions or beliefs.

Spirituality is being your natural self, presenting your authentic being that speaks the truth of what you feel and think, that is spontaneous and manages to work as a team. It is having the ability to forgive, to get rid of the anguish or worries of the day to day, live without fear, learn from mistakes without guilt, keeping a positive vibration, emotional balance, feeding on trust and faith.

We can also practice spirituality by doing some physical exercise that gives you pleasure, dancing, singing. It is following your inner voice, your truth, without having to comply with dogmatic rules.

All that is Spirituality, finding God within us, in the present, with meditation, practicing the greatest energy that exists, love. It is true freedom.

Therefore, for those who want to follow the path of Spirituality: the Enseñanza and the tools that Hands Without Borders provides help us to take giant steps.

For those who do not know us:

We invite you to download our free App "5 Minutes I Meditate" where you can learn to meditate.

We also invite you to take the Neural Stimulation courses, an integrative technique complementary to traditional medicine, which stimulates the vital energy of the organism through the conscious use of the hands in specific points of the body.

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