February 03, 2023

Fight for your dreams

by. Anna Seddone

Even the greatest of passions need discipline and willpower to stay alive and to thrive.

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Even the greatest of passions need discipline and willpower to stay alive and to thrive.

If instead we allow ourselves to be overcome by laziness and idleness, we will not achieve anything, we will not complete any path.

In sports, for example, even the most skilled and talented athlete, if they do not train, they do not improve, they do not win. Sometimes laziness and idleness make us stand still, we say: "I'll do it later", procrastinate…

A good example comes to mind, even when messages arrive from the founder of Manos Sin Fronteras: La Jardinera, for all of us, we do not make the effort to overcome the small difficulties of each day to respond or even to listen and so we miss the opportunity to be in contact with her.

And when we send our experiences and thoughts, it is also a way to keep in touch with all of our friends from La Enseñanza... and so we miss opportunities to share, to expand and to grow!

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